
IH Vehicle Value Guide

International Harvester Light Truck

Vehicle Value & Price Guide

How to use this Guide:

The Values and prices in this guide are from compilations of Regional & National data by the Appraisal Department at Super Scout Specialists,Inc.

Sources include: Several different Classic,collectible & special interest books, appraisal guides and the sellers market across the USA & Canada. Prices are listed in Six different Categories of conditions.

1)Excellent: A Restored Vehicle to current professional standards of quality in all areas; or original with all components appearing and operating as new. (or Unrestored, untouched original in showroom condition.)

2)Fine: A Well-Restored Vehicle; or combination of a Super restoration and excellent original; extremely well maintained original showing minimal wear & tear.

3)Very Good: A Completely operable Vehicle or older Restoration showing wear & tear, or non-professional restoration; all presentable and serviceable inside And out. Also combination of well-done restoration and good operable components; or partly restored Vehicle with all parts to complete and/or valuable NewOldStock Parts.

4)Good: A driveable Vehicle needing no or minor work to be functional; or a deteriorated restoration; or very poor non-professional restoration. All components may need restoration to be Excellent, but mostly usable "as is".

5)Restorable: Vehicle needs complete restoration of body, chassis, & interior. May not be driveable or running, but is not weathered, wrecked or stripped to a parts vehicle status. May have surface or some rust through; but will not require alot of replacement parts.

6)Parts Vehicle: May or may not be running, but is weathered, wrecked, and/or stripped to the point of a parts vehicle. Vehicle is incomplete or greatly deteriorated, rusty, may only be good for parts for another IH Vehicle.

Special Notes: Appraisers should note that different circumstances such as extremely low miles or a vehicle being built (properly) for show from the ground up may drive the vehicle value much higher than listed here. This guide is being made available for the private use of SSS customers. Commercial use of this guide is not allowed without written permission of SSS.SSSmakes no guarantee of any of the values listed in this guide.  For a written appraisal on your IH Vehicle click here.

Year(s)        Model                                              1             2           3          4           5          6

1907-09       Auto Wagon                                 35,500     22,250   11,750   7250     3650    1500 
1910-11       A Auto Wagon                              30,500     19,250    8750    5250     2650    1000   

1912           AA Del.Wagon                              30,000     19,600    9000    5400      2700    1500   

1912           MW Del.Wagon                             30,000     19,600    9000    5400     2700    1500

1912           Panel Express                               30,700     19,100    9350    5600     2800    1600   

1912           Aw Panel Exp.                               30,700     19,100    9350    5600     2800    1600

1913-14      AA,AW Panel Exp.                         30,000     17,600    9000    5400     2700    1500   

1913-14      MA,MW Panel Exp.                        30,700     19,100    9350    5600     2800    1500

1915           M 1/2 ton                                       22,000       9000    5000     3000     1500     700   

1915           E 3/4 ton                                        22,500       8650    4750     2850     1425     600   

1915           F 1 ton                                            22,900       8900    4950    2950      1500     700

1916-20      F 1 ton                                            22,900       9900    4950    2950      1500     700

1916-20      H 3/4 ton                                         23,000      9000     5000    3000      1500     700

1921-23      S Chassis 3/4 ton                             19900        7900   3500     2100      1050     500   

1921-23      3/4 ton:Pickup,Ambulance,Panel       22,500      9650   4750      2850     1450     700

1921-23      3/4 ton:Express, Stake                     21,000        8300    4500    2700      1350     600

Year(s)        Model                                                1             2           3          4           5          6

1921-23      21 1 ton: Chassis                            21,000       8550    3250     1950       980     400   

1921-23      21 1 ton: Express,Stake                   21,000       8600    4000       2400    1200    500

1921-23      21 1 ton:Panel,Dump                       21,500       8900    4250       2550    1300    600

1921-23      21 1 ton:Tank                                  21,000       8300    4500     2700      1350    600

1925          Special Delivery 3/4ton:Chassis           19900       7900    3500     2100      1050    600   

1925          Special Delivery 3/4ton:Panel            21,000       8300    4500     2700      1350    600

1925          S 1ton:Chassis                                   18000        7900    3500      2100     1050    600 
Year(s)        Model                                                1            2         3          4           5          6

1925          S 1ton:Pickup,Ambulance,Panel        22,000     9000      5000     3000     1500     700

1925          S 1ton:Express,Stake                         19900      8300    4500      2700      1350    600   

1925          S 1ton: Lang Bus                                 18000      7000    3000      1500        700    350

1925          SD,SL 1ton: Chassis                            19000      7000    3000        1500      700     350

1926-29     S 3/4ton:Panel,Sedan Del.                  22,000      9000    5000        3000    1500    700    

1926-29     S 3/4ton:Pickup,Canopy Del.               19900       8300    4500       2700     1350    600

Year(s)        Model                                                1            2         3          4           5          6

1930-32    AW-1 3/4ton:Chassis                          19000      8600    4000       2400      1200     600    

1930-32    AW-1 3/4ton:Panel,Pickup                 21,000      8300    4500      2700       1350    600

1930-32    AW-1 3/4ton:Canopy Del,Screen del.   19900      7900    4250      2100       1050    600   

1930-32     AW-1 3/4ton:Sedan Del.                    23,000     10000    5600      4000       2400   1000

1933-36     D-1 1/2ton:Pickup,Canopy del.Panel  22,000    9800    4400       2200      1350     600

1933-36     C-1 1/2ton:Pickup                              22,500    9100     4600      2300      1400     600

1933-36     A-1 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Screen Del.  22,000    9800    4400       2200      1350     600

1933-36     A-1 3/4ton:Canopy Del.                     21,500     9400    4200       2100      1250     600

1933-36     A-1 3/4ton:Sedan Del.                        22,500     9100    4600      2300       1400     600
 Year(s)        Model                                                1            2         3          4           5          6

1937-40     D-2 1/2ton:Panel,Express,Canopy Del. 22,500    9100   4600     2300        1400    600

1937-40     D-2 1/2ton:DM,DB Body                     22,000      9800   4400     2200        1350    600

1937-40     D-2 1/2ton:Station Wagon                   23,000     10000    5600     4000        2400   1000

1937-40     D-2 Metro                                            19900      9300    3600     1800        1080     500

1937-40     D-2 1/2ton:Stake                                 21,700     9500    4300     2150        1300    400

Year(s)        Model                                                 1             2          3         4           5          6

1941-49     K1,KB1 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Canopy   24,200     10200    5300     2650       1600    500

1941-49     K1,KB1 1/2ton: Station Wagon            27,500  14,600    6600     3300      2000     500

1941-49     K1,KB1 1/2ton:Bakery Del.                  21,300     9200    4100     2050       1250    400

1941-49     K2,KB2 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Canopy   22,500     9200    4700     2300       1400    500

1941-49     K2,KB2 3/4ton:Stake, Bakery Del.       22,200   9100    4100      2050       1250     400
Year(s)        Model                                                1            2         3          4           5          6

1950-52     L110,L111 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel            21,500   8800     5000     2500        1500    500

1950-52     L112,L120 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel           21,000    7800     4400    2200      1350      600

1950-52     L110,L111,L112: Station Wagon         25,000   11,500   6000     3000      1800     600

1953-55     R100,R110 1/2ton:Pickup, Panel         22,500     9800     5000    2500      1250      400

1953-55     R110 1/2ton:Stake                                19400       9900    3400    1700       1020     350

1953-55     R120 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel                   21,200     8100     4100    2050       1200     400

1953-55     R120 3/4ton:Stake                               19900        7500    3750    1875       1120     450
Year(s)        Model                                                1            2         3          4           5          6

1956-57     S-100,S-110 1/2ton: Pickup                 21,600      10100    4600    2300      1400     450

1956-57     S-110 1/2ton:Panel,Travelall                 21,300     9900    4500    2200       1300     400

1956-57     S-110 1/2ton:Stake,Platform                   18500      7950    3400    1700       1020    350

1956-57     S-120 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall        19900     9300     3600    1800      1080     500

1956-57     S-120 3/4ton:Stake                                18900      8600     3200    1600       975     350

1957-58     A-100 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall        21,500   9000    4200      2100      1250    400

1957-58     A-110 HD1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall    21,500     9400    4200    2100     1250    400

1957-58     A-120 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall          19900     8300     3600    1800    1080     450

Note: Add 10% for Custom package - Add 25% for Golden Jubilee Anniversary Package

Year(s)        Model                                                  1           2           3         4          5          6

1959-60     B-100 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall        18800    7600      3200    1600     975       350

1959-60     B-110 HD1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall    18800     7600     3200    1600      975      350

1959-60     B-120 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall        18500    6300      2150    1300     400       200

1959-60     B-130 1ton:Pickup,Travelette                  18000     6900     2800    1400      700      350 
      Year(s)        Model                                            1            2         3          4           5          6

1961-65     Scout 80: Fulltop, Pickup 4X2                18500     6500     2500    1100      300      100

1961-65      Scout 80: Fulltop, Pickup 4X4                19500     6500     2200    1500      500      350                      

Note: add 20% for Redcarpet Special Package, 10% for Turbo 152                                                                    

1961-62      C-100 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall       17500    6000     3000     1500     500      350                

1961-62     C-110 HD1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall    17500    6000      3000    1500     500       350                  

1961-62      C-120 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall        17500    6000      3000    1500     500       350                    

1961-62      C-110,120 Travelette (Crewcab)               17800    6600     3500    1800      700      350                  

1961-62      C-130 1ton:                                            16600     5000     3000    1500      500      300                      

Note: add 10% for 4x4 
 Year(s)        Model                                                   1            2         3          4           5          6                                                                                                                                        

1963-64      C-1000 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall       17700    6000     3000     1500     500      350            

1963-64     C-1100 HD1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall   17700     6000     3000    1500      500      350               

1963-64     C-1200 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall       17700    6000      3000    1500     500       350                

1963-64      C-1100,1200 Travelette (Crewcab)            17800   6600      3500    1800     700       350                

1963-64     C-1300 1ton:                                           16700     5000     3000    1500      500      300                       

 Note: add 10% for 4x4 

Year(s)        Model                                                  1             2           3          4           5          6

1965-68     Scout 80-800: Fulltop, Pickup 4X2           18500     8500     2500    1000       300       100                    

1965-68      Scout 80-800: Fulltop, Pickup 4X4          19500     8500     3200    1500       500       350                      

Note: add 20% for Sporttop, Red Carpet Special, 5% for v8                                                                                                                   

1965           D-1000 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall      17700    6000      3000    1500     500       350                      

1965           D-1100 HD1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall   17700    6000     3000    1500      500      350                

1965          D-1200 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall        17700     6000     3000    1500      500      350                     

1965           D-1100,1200,1300 Travelette (Crewcab)    17900   6600     3500     1800     700      350                      

1965           D-1300 1ton:                                         16600     6000     3000    1500      500      300                       

Note: add 10% for 4x4  
  Year(s)        Model                                                1            2         3          4           5          6                                                                            

1966         900A 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall           17500    5500      2500    1200     400     250                         

1966           1000A 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall        17700    6000      3000    1500     500    350                          

1966           1100A HD1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall    17700    6000     3000    1500      500     350               

1966          1200A 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall         17700     6000     3000    1500      500     350                        

1966         1100A,1200A,1300A Travelette (Crewcab)  17900    7600     3500    1800      700      350                      

1966           1300A 1ton:                                           17700     6000     4000    2500     600      300                          

Note: add 10% for 4x4
  Year(s)        Model                                                     1            2         3          4          5        6                                                                                                                                      

1967-68     908B, C, 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall         17500    6500      3500    2200     600    250                     

1967-68      1000B, C, 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall      18700    6000     4000    2500     700     350             

1967-68       1100B, C, HD1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall   18700    6000     4000    2500     700     350              

1967-68      1200B, C, 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall        18700    6000     4000    2500     700     350                  

1967-68     1100, 1200, 1300, B, C, Travelette (Crewcab)  18800   7600     4500    2800     700    350               

1967-68        1300B, C, 1ton:                                        17700     6000     4000    2500     700      350                      

Note: add 10% for 4x4  5% for 392                                                                                                                   

1969-71      Scout 800,800A,800B, Fulltop or Halftop   19800     9500    4500     2800      500      350                     

Note: add, 5% for v8, 20% for Aristocrat, Comanche, SR2 Packages. Add 30% for Snowstar. Deduct 10% for 4x2          

Year(s)        Model                                                  1           2           3          4           5         6   

1969-71     1000D 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall       17800    7000     3000     1500     500      350                  

1969-71     1100D HD1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall   18800    8000     4000    2500      700     350               

1969-71     1200D 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall        18800    9000      4000    2500     700    350                    

1969-71   1100D,1200D,1300D Travelette (Crewcab)   19000   8600     4500    2800     700     350                

1969-71     1300D 1ton:                                           17000     6000     4000    2500      700      350                     

Note: add 10% for 4x4, 5% for 392, 30% for Johnnie Reb Package, 35% for Snowstar.                                                                  

1971-75      Scout II, Fulltop, Halftop                         25,500    14,000     7000     5000     2000   450                     

 Note: add 10% for v8, 5% percent for deluxe trim & custom exterior trim          
  Year(s)        Model                                                1            2         3          4           5          6

1972-73      1010 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall         17800    6000      3000    1500     500      350                

1972-73      1110 HD1/2ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall     18800     8000     4000    2500     700      350             

1972-73    1210 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall            18800    8000      4000    2500    700      350                 

1972-73    1110,1210,1310 Travelette (Crewcab)        19000    8600    4500    2800      700      350              

1972-73    1010,1110,1210  Wagonmaster               21000     9200    5100    3300      700      350  
1972-73    1300D, 1500D 1ton:                                17000     6000     4000    2500      700      350                    

 Note: add 10% for 4x4, 5% for 392

Year(s)        Model                                                     1          2           3         4          5         6

1974-75     100, 150 1/2ton:Pickup,Panel, Travelall     19800    8000     4000     2500     700     350             

1974-75     200 3/4ton:Pickup,Panel,Travelall             19800     8000     4000    2500      700     350              

1974-75     200 Travelette (Crewcab)                         19900     8600    4500     2800      700     350            

1974         100,200  Wagonmaster                          21000     10600    5500    3800      700      350 
1974-75     200, 500 1ton:                                        18500     6000     4000    2500     700      350                    

 Note: add 10% for 4x4, 5% for 392                                                                                                                      

1976         Scout II                                                   25,500     12000    4500    3000  1500    450                       

1976         Scout II, Terra                                          19900     9900    4100    2800       800    450                      

1976         Scout II, Traveler                                      19900     9900    4300    2900       800     450                      

Note: add 5% for v345, 3% for 4 speed, 6% for Rallye package, 20% for Spirit of 76 package, deduct -10% for 4x2                                                                                                                                                   
Year(s)        Model                                                      1          2         3          4           5          6         

1977         Scout II                                                    21,500    12000    4500    2800     1000    450                      

1977         Scout II, Terra                                           19900     9200    4100    2500       800     450                       

1977         Scout II, Traveler                                       20,000    9400    4300    1900       800     450                      

1977         SSII                                                          26,000  14500   6000   2500      800     500                        

Note: add 5% for v345, 3% for 4 speed, 6% for Rallye package, 5% for Midas package, deduct -10% for 4x2                                                                                                                                                                   

1978         Scout II                                                    22,500     12900    4500    3000    2000    450                        

1978         Scout II, Terra                                           20,900     10200    4100    2800       700     350                       

1978         Scout II, Traveler                                       19200     9900    3300    1900       700      350                      

1978         SSII                                                         26,000   14,500   6000    2500      800      450                      

Note: add 5% for v345, 3% for 4 speed, 8% for Rallye package, 10% for Midas package, 10% for Selective Edition Package, deduct -10% for 4x2  
Year(s)        Model                                                     1          2          3          4          5         6                                                                                                    

 1979         Scout II                                                  25,500     12,500    7500    3000    1500   400                        

 1979         Scout II, Terra                                         22,000     10200    5100    2800    800     400                       

 1979         Scout II, Traveler                                      22,200     10400    4300    1900    800    400                         

 1979         SSII                                                       26,000     12,800    4300    2900     900    500                           

Note: add 5% for v345, 3% for 4 speed, 6% for Rallye package, 10% for Midas package, 20% for CVI conversion packages, 20% Van American Package, 10% for Selective Edition Package, deduct -10% for 4x2.

1980         Scout II                                                     27,000     12,500     4800   2000  1000    500                        

1980         Scout II, Terra                                            25,500     9200    3800    1800     900    400                        

1980         Scout II, Traveler                                        24,000     9400    3300    1900     900    400                      

 Note: add 5% for v345, 3% for 4 speed, 6% for Rallye package, 15% for Midas package, 20% for CVI conversion packages, 10% for last week of production ending October 21, 1980  5% for Turbo Diesel,  deduct -10% for 4x2  


NOTES: CVIs (Custom Vehicles Inc.) were converted or dolled up Scouts made from late 1978 through 1980, just around the corner from the Scout assembly plant in Ft.Wayne,IN. by an independent contractor for IH. These packages: Sportstar, Travelstar, Midnitestar, Terrastar, Classic (2 colors in gold or black striping), GMS (Green Machine Sport), Trailstar, Raven, Shadow, 5.6 Liter, 3.2 liter, Hot Stuff (the only 100wb Scout built with a half top), Billy Kidd "Ski Scout", etc., were geared from certain regions of North America. The CVI packages could be ordered through the IH Dealers. The Packages could include special stripes, plastic SSII grille or tailgate insert (2 styles: one matching the SSII grille the other had the word "SCOUT" on the right side which was used on 1980 CVI models), long console (automatic only), side window louvers, Special side molding (upper &/or lower), Hurricane Aluminum wheels and yes hood scoops on certain package models such as the Terrastar & Midnitestar.

Other Conversions were Midas Van Conversions and Van American. The Midas Packages included Scout II, Traveler("Family Cruiser"), Terra and SSII ("Baja Scout SSII") from 1977 through 1980. (There were no SSIIs in 1980 except for the Hurst Shawnee Scout). These packages included special interiors with swivel bucket seats, special seats in the back, a 3rd seat as an option in the Traveler, Special consoles or ice chests, sunroofs, etc., color keyed headliners and carpet, overhead digital clock as an option, Tonneau cover on Terra models, four reading lights, and special striping as an option. There were Midas Scouts built with factory paint & striping. The SSII had two racing seats with matching highback rear seat, Whitco softtop with skylight, padded console ice chest, padded roll bar, snap out carpet, inside rear quarter panel covered and as options: special paint & striping, & brush guards with offroad lights.

The Van American conversion although quite rare today was a less desired conversion because of the thick shag carpet covering floor sides and roof. Options for these units included: Factory seats covered in special material, Vinyl Door panels, AM-FM 8-track, deluxe striping, padded console, spare tire cover, & ceiling light.

Both Midas & Van American were located in Elkhart, IN. & are no longer in business. CVI is also long gone.